In this moment of reckoning in our nation, our state, and our communities, Mt. Rainier Leadership unequivocally stands with and values Black lives. We recognize that we have existed within, benefited from, and perpetuated a system that has disproportionately benefited white people. Furthermore, we recognize that schools in the United States—and therefore the student leadership programs that support them—have historically been institutions that systematically disadvantage Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students. In order for these systems to change, we must identify and dismantle historical, oppressive barriers in order to better serve our BIPOC community and move towards healing and growth. This work is arduous and often uncomfortable, but imperative, nonetheless. We believe it is all of our collective responsibility.

Our task toward dismantling these systems of oppression is some of the most significant work that we will ever take on. Like most important things, it takes time and commitment in order to create sustainable change. We would love to have a clear plan of action laid out right now but know that it is more important to do this work right. Our camp’s mission has always been to prepare the one to empower the many; we plan to take advantage of this summer without camp to critically analyze and invigorate our curriculum to better meet that goal. As we create this plan, we commit to transparency and communication on the work that we are doing.

We strive to develop leaders who enhance not only their school communities, but society as a whole. We recognize, however, that our previous efforts have been inadequate to realize the change we desire. Strong leadership requires admitting fault, taking a stand, and committing to doing better as we know better. As a staff, we pledge to examine our program, curriculum, and selves to become an anti-racist organization which better supports all students of Washington State.